Emily Yao

  1. Describe your previous experiences with coding.
    1. What classes have you already taken where you were exposed to HTML/CSS/JS?
    2. I have only taken Core 1 Interaction.
    3. What parts of the class resonated with you?
    4. I loved being able to discover the language on our own with guidance from the professor, it would get really frustrating trying to figure something out, but once it's resolved, it was the most rewarding feeling.
    5. What parts were most confusing?
    6. Sometimes it's hard to wrap my head around the heirarchy of things and the structure of the code.
  2. How excited about learning code are you? Are you nervous about learning code? If so, why? What can I do in this class to help reduce this anxiety?
  3. I'm surprised at how excited I am to learn code, but am nervous about learning JS as when we touched on it last semester, I couldn't really wrap my head around it. I think this anxiety can be easily reduced by stepping through the logic behind JS and not throwing too much information at once.
  4. How do you imagine coding fitting in with the rest of your design curriculum and career after college?
  5. Life after college is still a blur as of now, but I can imagine how important code will be as a tool in my studies and work. No matter how it plays into my future, I know it will be a valuable asset to me.
  6. What text editor do you prefer to use?
  7. I have worked with sublime and atom, not sure which I prefer yet.
  8. Have you used GitHub before? Do you know what it is? Describe your understanding of GitHub.
  9. I have used GitHub before. It is a platform for developer to push their code to the web not only to run it, but also to share with other developers.
  10. Describe the relationship between HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Try using a unique analogy to describe this relationship. “Bonus points” for creative analogies.
  11. In terms of a human body:
    HTML is how your anatomy is placed and structured in your body
    CSS is the color of your hair, your clothing, your jewellery, etc. JS is your brain telling you how to react, move, and respond.
  12. Using each HTML heading tag, list your favorite foods ranked by importance (remember, there’s 6 levels of heading tags).
  13. any octopus dish :)

    drunken chicken

    cinnamon rolls

    apple pie + vanilla icecream

  14. Create an unordered list and link to some of your favorite graphic design or development related websites. Include a paragraph on each site describing why it is important to you.
  15. http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/

    I like this purely for the chaos it creates. It truly serves no real purpose other than bring me immense joy.


    As the button says, this will make everything ok.


    This website makes me anxious in the best way possible.

  16. Insert an image that brings you joy to the page. Make sure the image includes alt text that describes the image.
  17. green
  18. Insert a video embed into the page (for example, a YouTube or Vimeo embed tag of a video of your choosing).
  19. Nest the following series of HTML tags inside each other, where each → represents a new level. Make sure to maintain proper indentation.
    1. main → section → div → p → span

  20. Create an ordered list of the top 5 countries you’d like to visit. Within each country, create another ordered list of the top cities you’d like to visit in that country. Maintain proper indentation and make sure you nest your ordered lists properly.
    1. Korea
      1. Seoul
    2. Greece
      1. Santorini
    3. Japan
      1. Tokyo
    4. England
      1. London
    5. Taiwan
      1. Hengchun
  21. Use pre tags to create a simple concrete poetry version of a Haiku or other poem you write. The poem should represent how you feel at this moment.
  22.         i had    lots of        food
                  i          am very f   u   l    l    right now. 
              but it is ok ay. 
  23. Write an HTML comment that is hidden from the browser, but displays in the code.
  24. i am not comment

  25. Create an unordered list of at least 6 musical artists you like to listen to. Add a class to each list item that matches the genre of music of that artist.
    • The Crane
    • OZI
    • Cloudriver
    • Mick Jenkins
    • Mac Miller
    • Tyler, The Creator
  26. Describe the difference between block, inline-block and inline elements.
  27. Block

    a block element will occupy the entire width of its parent and start a new line. (div, h1~6, p, etc...)


    displays the element in the same line. only effects the width of the content in the tag. (a, span, etc...)


    the same as inline, but allows you to change height and width values. (applied through css)

  28. Use CSS to style the musical genre classes you added in question 9. Give each genre a color and personality using CSS.
    • The Crane
    • OZI
    • Cloudriver
    • Mick Jenkins
    • Mac Miller
    • Tyler, The Creator
  29. Use any CSS knowledge you currently have to style your questionnaire in a unique way. Make sure to update the font to something other than the default (use the font-family css property).
  30. -
  31. In your JavaScript file, use the console.log function to write a message to the console. Tell me something interesting about yourself.
  32. -
  33. Add a button to your HTML file and make it do something when clicked using JavaScript. Don’t forget to post a link to your Glitch profile page on this Questionnaire Response page.
  34. click to help button be green.

    i want to be green.